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AnySim 1.1 For Firmware 1.1.1 And 1.02 Released!

October 16th, 2007 · 100 Comments · Apple, Applications, iPhone, Unlocked


The Dev Team has done it. No need to pay iphonesimfree when you can unlock your 1.1.1 iPhone for Free. At the moment it will not fix baseband issues caused by the old version combined with an upgrade. This is meant for “virgin” locked phones only. You will need to repair your baseband manually. You can download AnySim here:

download anysim 1.1

Do not unlock 1.0.2 and then update to 1.1.1. Updating a locked 1.0.2 to 1.1.1 will relock your iPhone. The team is testing a 1.1.1 restore on 1.1.1 unlocks right now. Remember guys: although the software here has been tested to make sure it avoids corruption–it does not hurt NVRAM/seczone–it is very new and has not had a lot of field testing yet. If you get a “failed to unlock” on 1.0.2, you’re still probably unlocked. Reboot and give it a try.

-Thanks Tuaw


100 Comments so far ↓

  • Bloody ELF

    It says … Firmware = 03.14.08_G

  • Iphone DUDE

    1. TMobile Sim card inserted
    2. Connect iphone to iTunes and I know receive the message from itunes: “There is no carrier that supports the installed SIM Card in the iPhone.”
    3. Restart iPhone and repeat the above directions and achieve the same result.

    I unlocked it using and anysim 1.1. I have version 1.1.1.

    Any advice?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    you need to reactivate your sim card

  • Miss pinky

    Hi, i have a question, if i buy a new iphone from the official website and they gonna ship it to me to lebanon, is it gonna be alread activated or what ? and if i have my uncle there can he activate it (if its not) by his simcard so i can use it here or what? please i need you advise so i can buy it. thankssssss

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    Apple will not ship you one. You have to buy it from someone and have them ship it to you. and it will not be activated. You will have to activate it yourself or have someone do it.

  • KoKi

    Hellooooooo, Finally my iphone is working just fine, now please can anyone just help me how to install an applications on iphone ? and where can i find it ? thank you in advance

  • KoKi

    and also how can i make a custom ring tone ? i couldn’t make one in my iphone. thanks.

  • abhi

    hi bloody elf

    i am facing the same problem as you are and really need a way to activate my unlocked iphone on which i restored the same firmware 1.0.2.
    limitededitioniphone please help me as iam in india and really have no way to unlock it ,
    your help will be highly appriciated.
    Thank you

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    if you have 1.0.2 use ibrickr to jailbreak and activate.

  • abhi

    where can i find ibrickr to jailbreak and activate?
    also do i need the att orignal sim?
    as i dot have it..
    Thanks a lot.

  • Limited Edition iPhone I don’t think you need the original sim

  • Pedro

    Hey… i tried to change my master psswd, but i must have written some wrong code there… meaning, i cant access the iphone thru SSH (WinSCP), cuz it doesnt acknoledge the password i chose…

    should i do an Itunes Restore? its a 1.1.1 unlocked phone, so im kinda worried it will brick…

    thnx in advance!

  • Pedro

    hey its me again… i found out a way to replace (using backup) the master.passwd file without restoring… took a few brain cells, but id like to share with ppl !!!

    any e-mail i should send the step by step???

    regards, pedro!

  • blackdog

    i am getting the sim card message on itunes. i used the apptapp. i have tried removing the sim and restarting the iphone and still get the same message. can someone help me. also i am not very computer savvy so explain it like im 5. thanks for all the help in advance

  • Maire

    I don’t sure but I have version 1.1.2 its better than 1.1.1 or not?
    I’m trying to unlock my iphone to use with Tmobile, can someone help me. Thanks

  • blackdog

    Limited Edition iPhone,

    did you get that last screeen shot on what my itunes says?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    Maire. Did your phone come with 1.1.2 or did you upgrade to that? If it came that way, there is no way to unlock it at the moment.

  • Alex

    Does anyone know if there any work being done at unlocking the 1.1.2 firmware to use any simcard? Or is this firmware a unhackable one?

  • Ladvond

    Ive just got an virgin iphone sent over from the states to england for my birthday today. I put my tesco mobile pay as you go sim (which works via the o2 network) in to the phone and clicked on the already installed anysim app. Its come with firmware 1.1.1. it starts to copy the firmware then when it finishes either does one of two things:

    1.Tell me this iphone cannot be unlocked.shut down anysim and restart the phone.

    2.or says after the first part of the process “contacting download centre” but does actually start to contact it – just hangs on or looks like its timed out… ive tried with 3 different sim cards, tesco mob, o2 contract and vodaphone contract – all my friends sims – but cant get any further…

    Have also just realised that I havent got Os 10.4 but 10.3 (panther) on my imac g5 desktop. So it looks like im gonna have to upgrade on to Leopard on my pre -pentium mac desktop…the phones apps are functional but obviously have been activated or synced yet due to the desktop software limitations I have…

    I wanna do is get this thing working…please can you expain in real “everyday simple” language and in the right order what i should do to realise the full potential my new iphone?



  • Limited Edition iPhone

    anysim should not have been installed. You should probably revirginize it and unlock it after that.

  • Ladvond

    thanks for your answer – sorry to be a pain but how would i go about do this and downloading the virginizer and unlock software to my phone if i only have OX 10.3? Is there anyway to get round it so i dont have to upgrade to Leopard?

  • Nawaf

    hey sorry but i really am that dum….. how can i use or anysim in windows ? i really have no idea


  • Maire

    Hi guys, I have the iphone 1.1.2 I tried to unlock but I have no idea how to do it, I need help, can you help me? I will apreciate, thanks

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    You cannot unlock a 1.1.2 out of the box iphone yet.

  • Maire

    Hi guys, I still have no idea how to unlock my Iphone, I need help

  • confuseddudette

    so i unlocked my iphone via ibrickr, but it has firmware 1.0.2. i downloaded anysim onto my iphone & it says i need firmware 1.1.1. help?

  • Gita

    hi there,
    i have iPhone version 1.1.1 unlocked, but anyhow, i can’t do a calling using this iPhone. But i still can receive a phone call, send & receive sms like usually. Any suggestion for me, please? Since I really confuse about this thing. Thank you

  • Alex The Brit

    Please Please Please help me!

    Downloaded summerboard from installer on my unlocked usa 1.1.1. here in the uk which worked like a dream with my o2 pay as you go sim..the sime is still working. Its totally buggered my phone. i can get in to the phone , i can click on any of the icons which opens up the app…but its stopped my touch screen from working, therefore not being able to use any of the apps (standard in built apple apps or 3rd party)whatsoever…can receive calls in not make them..cant do anything except just access the app – no functionality – totally frozen the phone after all that work on it unlocking!have you heard of this?

    Ive tried to uninstall summerboard via independance on my imac g5 using leopard and because ive upgraded itunes to 7.6 this week with the new release (although NOT upgraded the firmware for the phone thankgod!) it now tells me independence wont work with the new itunes release!Tried to downgrade itunes to 7.5 from which should work fine with independence but it wont let me install itunes 7.5 because it says ive upgraded the itunes account to 7.6…

    The only thing i can think of is to completely destroy itunes 7.6 off my mac…destroy my 5k + song music collection, install itunes 7.5, run independence and hope i uninstall summerboard through independence , then go up to itunes 7.6 again. Hopefully my iphone will be functioning unfrozen by then and try to upload my itunes library from my phone back up to 7.6….

    Does this sound right? I REALLY DONTwant to have to downgrade to firmwar e1.0.2 to unlock to go back to 1.1.1 to unlock which will make me lose ALL contacts , media content and apps off my phone..

    Pleasse dudes, any simple suggestions for a non hacker guy who just wants his iphone to work all lovely again?Pretty purrrrleeeassee????lol!

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    just hold option and restore your iphone to 1.1.1

  • yasar

    I have 1.0.2 unlocked iphone i upgraded it to 1.1.1 without virginizing and I jailbroke it than tried to unlock with anysim 1.1 and it said unlocking succeesful but there is no service but I doesn’t say there is no service there is just 1 bar when I tried to call it say call failed what can I do for this?
    Thank you

  • yasar

    to virginizing do I have to downgrade back to 1.0.2?

  • Majed

    hi. ive got 1.1.1 iphone and i successfully update it to 1.1.2. then I saw a site telling that i can easily update 1.1.3 using the installer. I run the installer and it took 4 hours changing image from apple logo to itunes connect to adapter logo. I tried to jailbreak again to 1.1.2 and now its showing in itunes there is no carrier that supports the installed sim card. and slide for emergency in the phone.. Please help. Thankz!

  • dolphy pelaez

    Hi there your page is amazing for us, i have a small problem my phone is unlocked i live in the dominican republic and it is working with verizon fine it did not come with the installer so i went down to a friend and he did install me the installer once i started to install packages the work fine but i can’t find the installer and i only have like four of the packages i installed and the main page doesn’t move either up, down or any side to se if the istaller and the other packages are elsewhere is there a solution thanks Dolphy.

  • TQ

    Hi, i have iphone 1.0.2 firmware can i update it to 1.1.4 ? please help.

  • ALEX harris

    Hi there, how can i upgrade my unlocked 8 gig iphone from 1.1.1 to the latest firmware?

    Hope you can help

  • Urturro

    hy there, I am from Argentina, I have a 1.1.1 iphone that was apparently sold from apple in USA inlocked. somebody gave it to me here. I can do absolutely everithyng , exept joining it with i tunes. when I connect it with my computer and I open I tunes, I get: “there is no carrier that supports the installed SIM card in the iphone. But everithing else works great, so I don´t know what to do. Is it really unblocked?? one more thing: I cannot move the apps. I touch them for several seconds, but they don´t start trembling so as to rearrenge the order. I had to download a costumizing program from the installer.
    Any advice?? I am desperate, please help me!!!
    sory for my english…

  • Alan Vazquez

    Hey Urturro. My name is Alan, I live in the U.S. I can help you. What you have to do is “Pwn” your iPhone. Just follow the steps in using WinPwn (Windows) or The Pwnage Tool (Mac) do that, then look on google for “Carrier bundles for Argentina” If you live there. Or change “Argentina” to wherever you live. Now get your carrier bundles, and you should be all set. Post a comment if it worked or if it didn’t.

    Hola Ururro, supongo que tu haabls espanol? You soy Alan, you vivo en los estados unidos. Yo soy uno de los que escriben las historias aqui. Lo que tienes que haser es, agarar y usar “The Pwnage Tool”. Has todos las cosa que tienes que haser, y ponle que te lo active’. Y despues de eso, baja otro iTunes. Y tambie tienes que buscar otra cosa, busca en google “carrier bundles for Argentina” o enlugar de Argentina pon el pais que tu estas. Has lo que tienes que haser, y ya debe de serbir. Yo hablo Espanol y Ingles. Y me puedes preguntar en qual qier idoma que quieras.

  • Alan Vazquez

    Majed: Alright, it looks like you would have to restore into 1.1.4
    You must first turn off your iPhone, then (while the phone s still off) press and hold the home button, then while the phone is off and you’re holding the home button, connect the cable into your iPhone. Now your computer should recognize it as “iBoot” or something along those lines. (Now it is in recovery mode) so now iTunes will open up, now click restore to restore into 1.1.4, after that is done, use WinPwn or The Pwnage Tool to jailbreak (DO NOT USE ZIPHONE! IT WILL CORRUPT SOME FILES! IT MAY BE FASTER BUT IT IS NOT SAFER!) now, look for your carrier bundle on google. Add it to your iPhone, and you should be good to go.

  • urturro

    thanks!! where do I get the winpwn??

  • Alan Vazquez

    Well, here you go, go here:

    I was going to give you, but I wanted to spare you the trouble. This is the link that they give you to download it anyways…

  • Alan Vazquez

    dolphy pelaez: Well, it looks like you have a springboard currupion. I suggest restoring your iPhone, then using the link that I gave Urturro, pwn your iPhone. (Yes, I suggest this for extreme cases, your does happen to be extreme) If you need help pwning your iPhone, just leave a comment. Or, if you want I could give you a copy of a non corupted Springboard? And I could also send you a new
    Just leave a comment and I’ll tell you how.

  • Alan Vazquez

    TQ: Well if it’s jailbroken and unlocked, then I recommend virginizing it first. If it’s not jailbroken or unlocked, then just go ahead and click “Restore” and let it restore to firmware 1.1.4. You should be good to go.

  • Alan Vazquez

    Alex Harris: Alright, I’m going to have to say this to you too, you must virginize it first. Then press restore in iTunes, and restore into the latest firmware. (Then I reccommend using The Pwnage Tool or WinPwn.) I reccommend these because they have always worked for me and they work way better than Ziphone. In Ziphone, you need to install a bunch of fixes after you use it. But in The Pwnage Tool or WinPwn, you make your own firmware and add any package from Installer that you want!

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