So Apple and AT&T want to make the next iPhone more appealing to its customers, so what turns people off from the iPhone? AT&T! Well, I have AT&T and I don’t think the actual service isn’t so bad, but it is expensive.
They want to make the iPhone more appealing so they are cutting the price of their plans.
Well Apple and AT&T, thanks but no thanks. I am plenty happy with my Pre-Paid GoPhone iPhone 3G. 🙂
mitchell100 // May 9, 2009 at 9:47 AM
did you make a video showing a fake ipod jailbreak? how did you do that?????????
Alan Vazquez // May 9, 2009 at 8:53 PM
Yes i did. That was done with the iPhone SDK. just copy the source code from the real cydia app and build and go.
There is a real jailbreak now so you dont have to do this.
Jay // May 9, 2009 at 11:55 PM
hey do u half internet with ure gophone 3g if so how do u add it on.
Alan Vazquez // May 10, 2009 at 9:39 AM
Yes I do. Im using 3G right now to post this. Just pop the sim in the iPhone 3G (no unlock is necessary at all) (if you selected activate in the quickpwn or pwnage process, restore and then just let iTunes activate it., if you hit activate, you will not have service on AT&T)
Anyways, just dial 611 after you put your SIM in it and say “buy features” and select “MediaNet”. They dont have unlimited anymore so just select the 100mb (thats what i use) its $19.99, then use the internet how you want. Checking the weather takes about 3kb! Not mb, kb. 1,000 kb per mb! Email for me takes about 30kb.
Its a great thing. I also get 1,000 txt messges for $9.99.
The best part is that it rolls over to the next month if you didnt use all of the internet or txt messages. (just make sure to get another package before the month is up or youll lose it.
$30 a month is great. Thats why I stick to this prepaid plan. I use EDGE and 3G at home and use Wi-Fi when I’m out where Wi-Fi exists.
mitchell100 // May 10, 2009 at 10:01 AM
Back to the cydia thing… where can i download cydia onto my compuer? and how do you copy it into the sdk to build?
Alan Vazquez // May 10, 2009 at 8:22 PM
Well you can get cydia anywhere really. Google “Quickpwn” download the .zip and look in the place where quickpwns bundles are found, and look for cydia.
Contact Saurik or Jay Freeman to get the source code for cydia.
Then just paste it into the SDK and build and go.
(Cydia won’t work on 3.0, FYI)
Just jailbreak using my method. Its fast and its real, lol.