Well, here’s a little fun fact that I found on the web. Apparently, people in the UK can’t use the updated Google Mobile App’s voice search option due to their accent. By me saying that they can’t use it, doesn’t mean that they can’t use it, what I mean is that it doesn’t understand their accent.
Today there have been reports of weird google searches, when people say “iPhone” on the Google, it tends to come up searching for “sex” or “kitchen sink” and “Einstein”, whoops right? Now get this, a user in Scotland used the app and said “iPhone” and it took him to a porn site. Go figure.
Apparently, if you fake an American accent, you will get better results than if you use your accent.
Well, expect an update to Google’s app in the next few days. This was just something funny that I found, if anyone else has had this happen to them, tell us about it by leaving a comment.
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