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iPhone OS 3.0 MMS To Be Included At No Extra Cost AT&T Claims

June 15th, 2009 · 2 Comments · iPhone

“AT&T will make multimedia messaging (MMS) available at no extra cost to customers with a text messaging bundle,” says AT&T. Now it is unclear if it also applies to us GoPhone customers. If it does, I will take back most of my bad comments about AT&T.

AT&T had no comment when asked about teathering.

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • Pyrofallout

    Alan, what have you seen in regards to the claims that some people have been able to get MMS working already on AT&T with 3.0?

  • Alan Vazquez

    Pyrofallout: Well I have seen a lot of “enabling methods” and some claim sucess. I have not gotten any of the methods to allow me to send or recieve a sucessful MMS message. In fact, when I used the “popular” AT&T 5.0 bundle, my iPhone went berserk and started messaging me my account info every 2 minutes. It took me 2 days to figure out how to stop it because not even going back to the original AT&T 3.5 carrier worked.

    I would wait until AT&T gets their act together and then we’ll go from there. I have the APN info, but AT&T know you are on an iPhone 3G and will kill your MMS in a few minutes even if you manage to temporarly get it to work.

    Sure the methods activate the cellular data network section in the Network settings and the MMS camera icon in the messages app and the internet teathering section, but it doesn’t mean that it works. And even if it works, don’t expect to make it live for more than an hour.

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