Hi, friends !! How about, an updated version of your “General.plist” file?! It works, but It doesn’t return the screen totally sensible !! Actually, i’ve the screen about 50% better (a bottom-strip dead of 6-8mm’s >>to 3-4mm’s unsensible now)
cahluma, I believe that you are using one of those “Custom” Preference.app files online. I will give you an iPhone Preferences.app or an iPod touch preferences.app, just e-mail me at iphone_developer@mac.com
hi I need the firmware upgrade112 for my iPhone the easy version can you help please
Hey man e-mail me @ iphone_developer@mac.com
Hi, friends !! How about, an updated version of your “General.plist” file?! It works, but It doesn’t return the screen totally sensible !! Actually, i’ve the screen about 50% better (a bottom-strip dead of 6-8mm’s >>to 3-4mm’s unsensible now)
cahluma, I believe that you are using one of those “Custom” Preference.app files online. I will give you an iPhone Preferences.app or an iPod touch preferences.app, just e-mail me at