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Low Volume On Your iPhone?: Steps To Fix

October 10th, 2007 · 110 Comments · Apple, iPhone, Mods

iPhone Volume Fix

Have you unlocked your phone and noticed that the volume is very low? Audio has been a problem on the iPhone up until firmware v 1.1.1 which apple seemed to address in the update, but not everyone is able to upgrade to 1.1.1 yet. Below is a guide to increase your volumes just like the 1.1.1 firmware update.

Things you’ll notice:
1). DialPad is louder
2). Speaker, Ringtone, Headset, Receiver, Speakerphone volumes are noticeable.
3). System Sounds are louder
4). YouTube video sounds are louder

Test Experiment: (Thanks stlcaddie and ReVan)
If you want to see a difference download listen to the pads with the volume all the way up and then apply the modded files. Now go back to the and listen to how loud the pads are now.
Install Instructions:

1). Download this file: iPhone Volume Fix
UPDATED file: iPhone Volume Fix with softer dialpad
2). Copy the file to /var/root/Library/Preferences (Delete the two files FIRST don’t just copy them onto the phone and select the option of overwrite.)
3). Copy the SystemSoundMaximumVolume.plist file to /System/Library/Frameworks/Celestial.framework/
4). Goto Settings > iPod > (switch off: Sound Check)
5). Reboot your iPhone.

UPDATE: If you do not notice a difference try:

1). Download

put it into: private/var/preferences

2.) Reboot


110 Comments so far ↓

  • heb

    may I have you help with my iphone4 (upgraded to Iphone 5 firmware) with the speaking volume, which to too low even when set to high. By the way, I have a factor direct phone- Europe, that is not jail broken or tied to any network.

  • aat broar


  • aat broar

    i will be very glad if it really runs well

  • Holly

    I tried going to the site to download the volume fix and was seized over some court case? Nice!! Is there any other fix or apps that turn up call volume and speaker? Also you mention going into files on the iohne.. How? Where?? Please respond.. I can’t hear hardly at all when I’m in a call with it up to my ear or using speaker phone

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