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Review: iPod Touch (2nd Generation) + Firmware 2.1.1 (5F138)

September 19th, 2008 · 5 Comments · Apple, Apple Store, Applications, Funny, Games, iPhone

ipod touch 2.1

Alright everyone, I’ve been really excited about this one, I am going to tell you about my thoughts, likes, dislikes, and everything about the new iPod touch that was (officially) unveiled at Apple’s “Let’s Rock” event.

Alright guys, as you all may know, I have had an iPod touch since it first came out back in 2007. The iPod touch that I had was great. It had everything that I could ever ask for. It had the same great iPod functions as the iPhone, games, iPhone applications, and some very weird yet useful applications (after jailbreak of course). I loved using my iPod touch each and every day, so for me, not having it for a day was devastating (some of my friends know), so having my e-mail and current news and such was crucial for me to have. But as always, 1st generation products always have lots of room for improvement.

For the iPod touch (1st Generation) there was always that lack of speaker, the lack of speaker is what really frustrated me, the very annoying clicking and “alarm” noises were also very annoying. The other thing that really frustrated me was that you can’t really hold the iPod touch (1st Generation) without a case of some sort, because it feels like you are getting cut with the very sharp edges. Little things like that are what really stopped me from saying “Alright, I don’t want an iPhone, this has everything I need” well, when the rumors of the new iPod touch started circulating through the internet I became eager to see if all of my issues had been solved, now when I started hearing things was back in the 1.1.4 days, so essentially, I thoguht that mabe 2.0 would make up for all of these lack of features, like most of us thought, but once I started using firmware 2.0 I quickly changed opinion.

I hated the new firmware, I was even tempted to go back to 1.1.4, but I had already bought Super Monkey Ball and I needed to stay at 2.0. The horrible crashes, the laggy applications, the whole experience was just horrible. I was determined to wait it out and see how Apple would fix these bugs. When firmware 2.0.1 rolled around I was excited. I really thought that all of these problems would be fixed, but sadly we all know that did not happen. Then firmware 2.0.2 rolled around shortly after, again we all know the result of that. After I saw that things actually got worse with firmware 2.0.2, I was gonna call it quits with firmware 2.x.x until Apple got it right, but then I heard some rumors of some very interesting “strings” in the latest 2.1 beta. “iPod2,1″as you all recall. I reported on this a while back. When I heard about this, I decided not to do anything but wait it out once more, handling the very annoying firmware.

Then came the big day, September 9th, with all of our last minute rumors posted. We just waited to see what Apple would unveil, and to see if any of the new iPod’s and iTunes 8 rumors were true. Well they all were, the new iPod touch had a speaker, volume controls, curved back, and a new metal bezel to replace that old, very sharp edges. From up front it looks like the iPhone. So, me as such an iPhone touch fanatic, I just had to have it.

Part 2 will follow soon!


5 Comments so far ↓

  • aminahoora

    Hi dear Friends
    i need help how i can crack ipod touch 2ND generation (5F135 2.1.1) for installing new software are you know any program that i want to use it also i use jailbreak and quickpwn but not work with this firmware and can not down grade my ipod firmware to 5F137

  • aminahoora

    Hi dear Friends
    i need help how i can crack ipod touch 2ND generation (5F138 2.1.1) for installing new software are you know any program that i want to use it also i use jailbreak and quickpwn but not work with this firmware and can not down grade my ipod firmware to 5F137

  • Alan Vazquez

    Hey aminahoora, I have the new iPod touch as well. There is no way of jailbreaking it as of now. (via software) I have some theoretical ways of doing it but nothing for the public that has been proven safe.

  • aminahoora

    maybe we wait for new generation of cracking software ?????

  • Zohaib

    same problem with me!

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