Alright everyone, it’s been a while since we’ve posted anything and I think its time to let you all get some of the little tid bits that come are way that haven’t made the cut to be on the site. So here we go! The first has been 100% confirmed, this is that AT&T is […]
Entries Tagged as 'iphone dev team'
This Week: Apple Rumors & Revelations
April 21st, 2009 · 6 Comments · Apple, iPhone
Tags: 2009·3.0 firmware·3g·3rd Generation·App Store·Apple·beta·Confirmed·Firmware·hacks·iPhone·iPhone 3G·iphone dev team·iPhone OS·iPhone OS 3.0·jailbreak·launch·Leak·Limited Edition iPhone·Mac OS X·Rumor·SDK·steve jobs·summer·Unlock·WWDC