UPDATE http://rapidshare.com/files/113465741/winpwn_0.99.2.19.zip
“Can I Haz WINWPN?”, the answer is yes, because WINPWN beta 2 was released earlier today. I was one of the first to download the new application, and I strongly agree that The Pwnage Tool for windows is actually better than the one made for the Mac. Oddly enough, the iPhone Dev Team hasn’t added many of the new features in this new version. Some of the changes that I can see are as follows:
• iTunesMobileDevice.dlls are now included in the Installer (So no more hassles)
• There are now boot and restore logos up for download directly in winpwn (Free of charge)
• Apparently, you will be able to download payloads. (There aren’t any up for download at this time)
• Nothing is greyed out. (Everything is usable)
• 2.0 support. iPhone (2.0 beta 1-3) iPod touch (2.0 beta 2&3)
• Installer.app is now automatically added to the custom firmware
• BSD Subsystems is automatically added to the custom firmware
• Open SSH is automatically added to the custom firmware
• You can now full packages from the many Installer Sources….right in winpwn!! Without Wi-Fi! You can download any package from any Installer source, and put it in the custom firmware! (It’s really cool!)
• No more QEMU. Full HFS support for Windows XP and Vista!
• Bootneuter.app is now included with every custom iPhone firmware
• Faster than The Pwnage Tool for Mac OS X! (Unbelievable) It now takes about 60 seconds to make a custom firmware! It used to take 45 minutes to make a custom firmware while using QEMU. Now with HFS support, we will now have awesome speed.
• iPwner takes less time than The Pwnage Tool for Mac OS X
• The download from winpwn.com has been cut dramatically. The first beta version was 54MB big. This new version is only 8MB big. That is a huge difference!!!
• Improved Stability
• All major bugs from beta 1 have been fixed
I didn’t use winpwn in beta 1 state. I downloaded beta 1 when it came out, but I didn’t want to risk using it. I have now pwned both my iPhone and iPod touch. No errors, nothing of the sort. There is a small bug with the custom version of beta 2 (5A225c) cmw said that it is easily fixable. You can download the new winpwn directly here ( winpwn_0.99.2.18_Debug.zip ) it is a rapidshare link. Good Luck and happy Pwning. Remember, winpwn is still in a beta state so be extra careful. cmw himself has said so. He is not so worried about you using this version because it is way better and more stable but he still “advises” you to wait for final release.
-Alan Vazquez
God man just keep bashing on MacOS lol
well there are some big problems still but i think they can easyly be worked out…. for me however installer.app wasnt in there automatically but f0r the time i just use ziphone to install those three things (BSD oppenssh installer)
bootneuters fw files get ignored during transfer into the ipsw file but for a beta this thing kills compared to everything else out here….
i gotz mine showing the windows vista logo (bout only thing good about that version of windows) on boot
so far i just see minor irritating bugs that are only asking to get crushed;
-installed app registration
-precised permission fixes
*explorer access for the “to be system” would be nice for us with t-zone fixes and assorted things
**** 4 stars man lol
Hey man, There is an update, there is a new winpwn (beta 3 ish), he released it last night at like 10pm, that fixes many bugs, Still no installer.app, you have to add that in in the ipsw builder. 🙂