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Purplera1n: Jailbreak For iPhone 3G S

June 23rd, 2009 · 10 Comments · Apple, iPhone


Geohot, the original iPhone unlocker is claiming that he has a jailbreak for the iPhone 3G S. If this is true, Ultrasn0w could be used to unlock the iPhone 3G S as well. This jailbreak will be called Purplera1n. Stay tuned. We will have more details!

3gs jailbreak

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10 Comments so far ↓

  • truehybridx

    lets mix some ra1n and some sn0w and make a blizzard on apple LOL

  • weather

    why are they always talking about weather?
    purple rain
    yellow snow
    red snow

    why not talking about some:

    what do you think of my idea of a jailbreak program for the iPhone G3? XD

  • Anon


  • 3GsK1NG

    i want the jailbreak for 3GS!!! I hate being stuck in apple mode…..

  • bigGpimpin

    what are your guys predictions as to when the jailbreak for 3GS will come out? or even IF it will come out..???

  • TurkishMax

    It will definitely come out. It’s only a matter of WHEN it will come out.

  • Rett

    the ra1n and sn0w I’m guessing are codenames for the different generations of the idevice. Since the 3G S is more powerful it is technically a higher generation, so it Geohot gave it it’s own weather, other than the sn0w which is for less powerful devices. So when the iPod touch S comes out we will have greenra1n, or maybe a different color.

    I call dibs on thund3r!

  • Jeff

    @Rett rain actually comes from the fact that it doesn’t snow in the summer. GeoHot eluded to that in his blog.

  • ceaser blacl

    how cann i get the purplera1n application to jail break iphone 3 gs ?

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