This method is for Out Of The Box 1.1.1 firmwares or below. It is not possible to unlock a phone that shipped with 1.1.2 at the moment as the bootloader has changed. The Dev Team is working on a fix as we speak.
For those of you who have a OTB 1.1.1 and jailbroke with and ran anysim1.1, please follow the guide below.
Remember, this works IF you currently have a 1.1.1 phone unlocked. If you already updated to 1.1.2 and downgraded to 1.1.1, this will not work because your baseband is 4.02.xx and not 4.01.xx
First dock and sync your iPhone one last time you you don’t loose anything.
undock and get ready.
1. run oktoPrep on the iPhone from installer.
2. Dock your iPhone and update to 1.1.2 -Make sure that you click update and not restore. If you select restore it will wipe out oktoPrep. After the update your phone will be in restore mode leave it and now use the jailbreak 1.1.2 windows.bat file
3. jailbreak using 1.1.2 jailbreak. you can download the jailbreak app here
4. use installer add add a new source called and download anySIM 1.2.1u
5. Reboot the phone and turn on the AIRPLANE mode (this is important so that it won’t crash summerboard when unlocking is running)
6. run anySIM 1.2.1u
6. install iWorld, Skip this if you live in USA
your done…
dock and sync you iPhone, it should restore from backup your settings
go to settings, about, verify you don’t see the 300mb problem
verify, does Summboard work? hint always keep dim wallpaper turned off.
verify can you make and receive calls
verify can you sms and receive sms
verify can you email and get emails
lastly verify your Edge settings remain..if they don’t, download the EDGE settings fix from installer.
-Thanks to a combination of people from Hackint0sh
Where can I download the 1.1.2 firmware? I found the 1.1.2 firmware for restoring the phone, but I think I really need the 1.1.2 update firmware, not the 1.1.2 restore, correct?
It’s the same thing. Restore update.
Ok – thanks… One final question… if the 1.1.2 restore file is the same this as the 1.1.2 update file, why does it matter if I click “Shift – Update”, versus “Shift – Restore” within iTunes? Since I’m selecting the ssame file name either way, I was just curious what the difference was…
PS – in your opinion, do you see any value in upgrading to 1.1.2?
Thanks again for all your help!
Like I said it doesn’t matter. You should click update anyway. See if has a diffrent named file if you don’t belive me.
Diepe problemen na firmware 1.1.3 upgrade - Pagina 4 - iPhone Forum - alles over de apple iPhone (in Nederland) // Jan 25, 2008 at 8:46 AM
[…] een mac, heb vorige keer dit gebruikt Easy Upgrade From Unlocked 1.1.1 To Unlocked 1.1.2 Firmware kan ik die nu ook gebruiken ? neem aan dat ik dus gewoon oktoprep moet instaleren, dan update […]
Diepe problemen na firmware 1.1.3 upgrade - Pagina 5 - iPhone Forum - alles over de apple iPhone (in Nederland) // Jan 25, 2008 at 8:50 AM
[…] geplaatst door Brimme heb een mac, heb vorige keer dit gebruikt Easy Upgrade From Unlocked 1.1.1 To Unlocked 1.1.2 Firmware kan ik die nu ook gebruiken ? neem aan dat ik dus gewoon oktoprep moet instaleren, dan update […]
2 quick questions
i have a jailbroken unlocked 1.1.1 phone running on t-mobile.
i have a lot of apps installed already and when i update, will the still be on the home screen after the update? will they still be installed but not show up? should i uninstall everything before the update and reinstall after update?
secondly, i had to edit a .plist file in order to get my edge settings to work with t-mobile t-zones mobile internet. if i update will my edge settings still be in the file? if not, will i be able to get t-zones to work on the iphone the same way in 1.1.2 as i got it to work in 1.1.1?
thanks for the help
I suggest make a list of what you have installed. T0zones should work if not go into 1.1.2 tweeks and see if there is any tweek for kepping the settings saved. Also For the edge thing just get the servises app.