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Limited Edition iPhone Installer Source And Guide

November 29th, 2007 · 206 Comments · Apple, Applications, iPhone, Mods

Installer Source

ONLY 1.14 and Below.


I have finally decided to make my own installer source to add my mods and hacks. Instead of manually updating phones after an update or restore, I can use installer to do it for me instantly.

So far I have added a few things like new icons, sms tones, YouTube fix, T-Mobile’s T-Zone Hack, and a few others. I will constantly be updating it with more and more things that I find unique and useful. Most of the downloads will be available to manually download at

If anyone wants me to add specific content please let me know, otherwise, please follow the guide bellow to learn how to install the Limited Edition iPhone Source1. First open


2. Click on Sources


3. Click Edit


4. Click Add

5. Type: and then hit OK

6. Click Done

7. Click Refresh and you will see Limited Edition iPhone in the Sources


8. Your done! Now go to install and browse all the new items.


206 Comments so far ↓

  • J

    Thx for the help also one more thing if i upgrade my phone will it lock my phone ?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    yes you will have to re unlock

  • J

    oh damn that sucks i had to pay to unlock mine lol

  • J

    oh ya Happy New Year 🙂 and will there be any new sources to add to my phone by you guys limited ?

  • Erik

    Is it possible that you could create a springboard weblink for our iPhone web app? I can provide the graphic with specs.

  • ady

    top man
    you tubes working great now
    thankyou very much

  • steve

    Hey thanks for limited edition. I have a problem with my youtube. I have downloaded your youtube fix and another youtube activation. Neither worked for me I have followed instructions to the letter and can’t get it to work. After I download the package I make sure the date and time is correct, then I go to reboot my phone and it doesn’t turn off it goes to the sleep window even though I slide my icon over to reboot the phone. I then still reboot and it doesn’t work I have a iPhone firmware 1.1.2 jailbroken but not unlocked please help!!!!

  • brian

    will the video app update when it need to with out me re loading it ?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    try restoring your phone and jailbreak again.

    The video app will be updated automatically

  • J

    hi the video app is there like a speacial folder to save what you record ? or not yet ?

  • brian

    how long befor the video app can save and replay videos?

  • J

    hi i installed Erica MIM to customized my carrier name but it doesnt work i type my name then set and it show my carrier still ? plz help thx :)?

  • uur

    hi, first of all, i bought an iPhone which is made in 51th week of 2007. it’s new and 1.1.2 version already installed in factory. everything is normal until here… but the problem is my iPhone is frozen at start (where “slide to emergency” is wirtten) i can slide, and i can’t do anything.. it’s not activated, because can’t activate frozen iPhone… can i fix this problem?? or is this fixeble..?? i tried to restore 1.1.2, 1.1.1 and even 1.0.2……… the same thing happens everytime, it’s frozen again…. :(((((( i want to activate this iPhone and use it any operator (out of AT&T) somene please help me…?????

  • J

    hi i installed Erica MIM to customized my carrier name but it doesnt work i type my name then set and it show my carrier still ? is it because i have 1.0.2 ?

  • J

    Thx alot —- Limited Edition —

    you guys rock hands down best site for the iphone 🙂

  • chris

    i installed the red to green signal bars and now i dont have any bars at all. when i try to uninstall i get an error saying “main script execution failed” and i also get this error when trying to install icon, movietimes icon, and most of your other apps listed. any suggestions?

  • Jean-Claude Lepretre

    Thank you so much, just install the youtube on jailbreak 1.1.2 and works like a charm again…what a re leaf.

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    Chris your internet connection must be getting interrupted during the install process. Please make sure you have a strong internet connection when you install anything from installer. You can manually ssh into your phone to fix the problem.

  • hi dude

    hi mate i have seen ur site and comments people have lfet and i am excited to get it as my youtube was not working and i dint had an installer but i got installer and now i wanted themes and all but can tget through anyways my version is 1.0.2 do i need to get an upper version for limitededetion software what do i do and how can you please tell me it will be a grea help mate.
    ankur aggarwal

  • fer

    I tried your hack as today with no luck. what can be wrong. I had tzones for long time. but didnt work with the iphone, then i got EDGE working, then i tried the hack from surreal and it work and disconetd EDGE, after two days (today) that hack didnt work anymore, unistall that one and install yours, but no luck. what can be happening? any one else with this problem? help. reply with detail instrucctions, please. Thanks

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    tmobile is shutting it down and it only works in some areas.

  • J

    Hi do you know why when ever i go to my Customize and try to change the carrier image it doesnt work even on erica MIM same thing is it becuase i have the firmware 1.0.2 ?

  • Chase

    Hey limited would you happen to know wich source gets u the category “WEBSITES” links for ur homescreen to websites>>>>??


  • Limited Edition iPhone

    J you need to get a patched springboard.

    chase my installer source has the websites category

  • J

    Hi where do you go for patched springboard is there a specific name in the installer for that ?

  • Buzz

    Hi ,

    I cannot install any new apps through Installer – the file downloads but doesn’t install and I cannot see the app icon (sometimes I see it with a “?” sign in Customize). I’m using 1.1.2. Recently when I was using 1.1.1 I had the same problem, a friend told me its because I’m using Customize which changes a lot of system files, but after uninstalling Customize I had the same problem. I then upgraded to 1.1.2 and everything worked fine till yesterday, and yes I did install Customize and Categories a couple of days back (can’t live without them). Any idea how to solve this problem, short of reinstalling 1.1.2 (or waiting for 1.1.3 ). Cheers, Buzz.

  • Buzz

    Just got a reply from elsewhere – I was running short of disk space, so I deleted some apps then installed BossTool to move files to another location and free disk space. Cheers, Buzz.

  • SEA

    any idea on how to save an image from a website in safari and how to have customize ringtones

  • Dr.mamdouh bakhoum

    I tried to install Aloha applications for my Iphone 1.1.2 but I failed
    can you give me the correct source for that.
    Also using Iphoneislam I can read my SMS in arabic but i can not read any contacts in arabic as it is written reversed
    Can you help

  • Rolan

    I add the “Limited Edition iPhone Installer Source And Guide” into my iPhone, Now everytime i want to access again the Installer it will open and quit in less than 2 seconds. Please can you help me what to do?

  • Rolan

    Sirs, I add the “Limited Edition iPhone Installer Source And Guide” into my iPhone. And now everytime I want to access again the Installer it will open and quit. How can I bring back the previous state, I cannot use now my Installer? Please can you help me?

  • Rolan

    Sirs, btw my iPhone Version 1.1.1 firmware 04.01.13_G. I really need help, a guide for workaround fine with me…

  • Joe

    Would you add the fire battery icon. Thanks! By the way… Great web page you have here!

  • Ttouch

    hey there… i am having hard time getting msn, im, icq app to work,,, when hit “log in” keeps in trying forever and does not go wny furthere..
    and “isim” dont seem to work. when start app crashes and goes to home screen…. any idea???

  • Stumpster

    Does your T-Mobile Hack work on 1.1.3 with bootloader 4.6 unlocked with ziphone?

  • Big O

    Hey I been trying to find roms for psx gba and nes for quite a while now if any one could help me with that I would be very thankful

  • smurftown

    Stumpster, did you ever find out about your question? I have the same question – tmobile hack, 1.1.3, ziphone, etc?

  • bil

    hi, i’ve been trying to get my edge up for my iphone for the past 24 hours. currently i have it unlocked and jailbreaked via ziphone. i am on 1.1.3 and have downgraded to t-zone 5.99 plan but i am getting nothing from my browsers even though the “E” shows up on th upper left hand corner. i’ve done the network settings and i have loaded t-zone hack 1.1.3 but still getting nothing. any help would be appreciated.

  • Stumpster

    Never got an answer on the T-Mobile question. The rumor i’ve heard is that T-Mobile may have been disabling the ability to use the $5.99 service through the iPhone. I’ve read this on several sites starting back in late December. I don’t have a definitive answer.

  • bil

    the weirdest thing happened late last night. my edge turned on after 24-28 hours of trying to figure out if i was doing things right or wrong, when in fact t-mobile just didn’t turn on the dam switch. anyway, all is well and i think it is running along at a decent speed.

  • spanishfly

    hey i also have downloaded ur hack but it wont work do we have to do anything in network, also i have version 1.1.4 also jailbroken and unlocked thru ziphone 2.5 dude if you get this to work u can put a donate icon in ur wesite and ill definately donate. and so should others.

  • bil

    hey spanish,
    you might want to wait ip to 48 hours for t-mobile to turn on t-zones. bc it didnt’ work for me at all and suddenly it did after i posted.

    i agree with the donate, i’m down to throw down a little. thanks alot to this site. keep up the good work!

  • jinxed

    what are the commands to make symbolic links for the books app to work on 1.1.3 firmware.. please help if anyone knows how to do this.

  • drew

    so why can’t we download guitar hero 3 theme on my 1.1.4 iPhone?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    we need someone to update it for 1.1.4

  • drew

    if I do install this will my phone or tap break?

  • pat mulleady

    HI, yes my youtube stop working on my iphone
    and i did it the way you said it on your page and it worked. THANKS KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

  • nbreezie

    I just discovered all of this stuff for the iphone and I installed the program on my iphone version 1.1.1 but I am having trouble running some of the apps you can get. I have the installer running on it and Cydia but for some reason certain apps I download just dont work or even show up. Can someone walk me through this process? Im not so sauvy at it. thanks!

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