CMW released a new build of winpwn. (The Pwnage Tool for Windows). This new build comming out just mere hours of the beta 2 came out. Apparently, many people have sent him e-mails stating that there were many bugs in the program. I for one, was one of those people. My complaint was that when you tried to pwn a 2.0 beta, iTunes wouldn’t let you use it. iTunes just kept saying that “You are not a registered developer, please register your iPod if you are a developer or contact your companies Administrator”. I have been so frustrated with that. I just downloaded another person’s .ipsw file because I was getting sick of having to restore. I hope this was one of the issues that were resolved in this new beta. You can download this new version here.(
WinPwn Updated
May 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Apple, Applications, iPhone, Mods, Unlocked
this is complitly diferent but…were can I get firmware 2.0
We don’t wanna be hut down, I will have to say. Google “Download 2.0”. You technically have to be a dev but you can go to thepiratebay.