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BREAKING NEWS: Snow Leopard Available August 28!

August 26th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Apple, Apple Store, Applications, iPhone

Breaking news! Apple has just confirmed that Snow Leopard will be available August 28th! Just as other previous tips that I received indicated!

So go to to buy it or to receive your discounted copy if you are in Apple’s “Up-To-Date” program!

A big thank you to my friend Nile Jacobus for bringing it to my attention!

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One Comment so far ↓

  • bblack

    Wow, I’m soooo excited over the new upgrade Snow Leopard for Mac. I’ve been using Mac for work for many years now and this new surprise arrival is very much accepted and long awaited. Thanks MAC. The prices I think are pretty reasonable. What do other people think of this? I would love to get some feedback. Thank you and have a great day and enjoy your new Snow Leopard upgrade.

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