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CONFIRMED: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail DVD Comes With 10A432!

August 26th, 2009 · 24 Comments · Apple, Apple Store, Funny, Uncategorized, Video

Yes, all of us OS X users were wondering about the version to come in the retail box, well, its 10A432, this was said to be a GM (Gold Master) seed a few weeks ago by those close to the matter.

Some rumors indicated that it would have a 10A435 version, but those rumors turned out to be false.

On another note, Mac OS X Snow Leopard has built in anti-virus software! Weird, right? Well, Apple is future proofing itself once more, it will scan loaded drives and virtual (DMG) drives and if it finds a known malware, it will tell you to eject it.

Pretty neat stuff. Well, I hope you all pre-ordered Snow Leopard already. If you’re lucky, you may get Snow Leopard early like some people have with their Macs or just in the mail.

Well, before I go, it just occurred to me, what about those who have a MacBook Air or, like me, a hackint0shed netbook? They don’t have built in DVD drives! Damn it, how the hell am I supposed to use Snow Leopard?! I’m calling Apple tomorrow to get the answer for everyone because this is pretty weird.

I’m sure our “Remote Disk” option will not work as the actual Leopard OS won’t be running, but rather the DVD, so “Remote Disc” wouldn’t work.

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24 Comments so far ↓

  • Chewie

    That’s not fair if it’s only on a DVD.

  • truehybridx

    and itll take how long before it becomes osx86 Snow Leopard? lol

  • Alan Vazquez

    Chewie: Yes, I agree. I don’t have an optical drive on my lenovo s10e so a snow leopard DVD is a no go for me yet! I need to use someone’s Mac to make a disc image and then update to 10.6.

    truehybridx: Not long at all! Lets just say people are almost done with it! 🙂 Some are already running Snow Leopard on their hackint0sh computers, a tutorial should be out soon.

  • Jewfrobus

    Hey alan maybe i can help you out if i haven’t left yet.

  • Alan Vazquez

    Nile: Nah, its cool. Mike’s already helping me. Thanks for the offer though. 🙂

  • Jewfrobus

    No problem, i was planning on making a disc image and mailing a copy to you and my brother

  • Truehybridx

    Hey Alan how’s the Internet situation going??

    So if I want to update to 10.6 should I get one of those 25$ snow Leo discs?

  • Alan Vazquez

    Nile: cool. Sounds good.

    truehynridx: yes you should. Soner rather than later. 🙂

  • Chewie

    But what is everyone else going to do if they can’t get a disk image

  • Alan Vazquez

    Chewie: Get a friend to do it. What do you want me to do about it? (I don’t wanna sound mean) It would be illegal for me to distribute Snow Leopard to you guys. I am in no legal position to do so. Get a friend. Please don’t solicit this anywhere on this website. I will delete the comment immediately.

    We want to keep LEI up and running and a lawsuit would not be good for anyone.


    You can talk about whatever you want, go ahead. Just no soliciting of anything illegal.

  • Truehybridx

    Ok I’ll hop right on to getting it n I’ll share it eventually lol

  • Chewie

    sorry i didnt mean it like that. what i was trying to say is why isnt apple going to make it so people that dont have disk drives able to get it with out asking someone else.

  • Truehybridx

    Chewie: keep a watchful eye on the pirate bay and I’m pretty sure something will pop up in a few weeks

  • Chewie

    I don’t have a hackintosh I was just being thoughtful for everyone else

  • Chewie

    But I would like to be able to dual boot it if I can find a good tut.(if you would like to make me one:))

  • truehybridx

    well if you dont have a hackintosh then what are you wanting to dualboot? or do you mean you want a tut for dualboot windows n osx

  • Chewie

    yep vista and osx

  • truehybridx

    those are easy to find lol
    insanelymac or
    take your pick

  • Chewie

    thanks but i will probably wait and buy a mac but if i ever want to i will go look

  • Alan Vazquez

    Chewie: Dude, the netbook Mike bought me is great! He bought me a Lenovo s10e and put Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.7 on it and it is amazing! It runs faster than one of my friend’s brand new white MacBook!

    Mine is 160GB, 1GB RAM, Intel Aton Processor, 1.6 something Ghz processor, Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 (soon to be Snow Leopard), and its $300!

    I recommend this netbook to anyone who is too poor to afford a Mac (like me) and hates Windows (like me) and wants the best OS in the world, Mac OS X Leopard/Snow Leopard!

  • Truehybridx

    I’d recommend hackintosh any day cuz they are 1000 cheaper for a mac of same specs

  • Chewie

    i have a laptop. its a hp pavilion dv2988nr entertainment notebook PC and i have no idea if any of its components are supported and the only things i now it has are AMD Turion X2 processor and NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M graphics card everything else i have no idea about( not good with the inside of a computer but good with the os and other stuff)

  • Chewie

    and a 220 gig hard drive

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