Use this ONLY if you have a BRAND NEW iPhone Firmware 1.1.1 or a virginized 1.1.1 iPhone
Text in red means you use WinSCP for that step, text in blue means you use Putty Download one zip file containing all the downloads that this guide tells you to get, so instead of individual links here is a zip archive of all the files/installers needed for this guide :—————————Using Task Manager (ctrl-alt-delete) end ITunes.exe, iTunesHelper.exe and iPodService.exe)
First we need to get to safari:
1. Slide to reach the emergency dial screen
2. enter *#307# and then press call
3. Your phone will ring itself, press answer
4. Press hold now and your phone will start ringing again
5. Press Dismiss and your phone will go into the contacts/dial screen
6. Press contacts from the bottom bar and add a contact
7. Add a contact with a random name and homepage as >> prefs://1F
8. Save it and click on the contact’s homepage. this will take you straight into the setting menu of the iPhone.
8a. Leave your phone on for a minute or two. Then shut down your iPhone and restart.
8b. After the iPhone restarts it should have the Wifi icon showing at the top…if it does not do steps 1 – 8 again.
9. Once the wifi is working, do steps 1 – 5 again.
9a. For the next step add another contact give it another name and this time add the address as >> UPDATE: use the address: instead of
10update. Save the contact and then go to just saved. Follow the instructions and it will automatically activate and jailbreak your iPhone. You can now skip the Touchfree part and proceed to WINSCP.
10. Save the contact and then go to the 2nd url you just saved. Safari will load the page and then close automatically to the home screen (the screen that says activate iphone).
If you do not have an answer key and your phone is ringing try this: After you dial *#307# , then you phone will ringing. Then delete the *#307# , and then type number” 3?( only number “3?) press call. After then that you will see ” Decline and answer”. Click “answer”, then click “hold”. Then your iphone will show up ” Decline and Answer” again. THIS time hit “decline” and it will let you go to the contact screen.
Once thats done continue :
Get TouchFree (it works on iPhone too)
Get/Install .Net Framework 3.0 before you move on
If you are having trouble with touch free (like it gets stuck at step 2 and stuff, uninstall the old version, make sure you delete the folder in C:/programs, and use this one : TouchFree Alpha)
Follow the steps on TouchFree (You have to shut down the iPhone 2 times during this process, it will tell you to do it even after the 2nd time you have done it but ignore that and close the program!)
After TouchFree finishes you should restart your iPhone and get to the springboard
If TouchFree is giving you problems you can follow the newer (untested by me) guide:
Get the New PACAY to activate. You can download it here:
(UPDATED!) CARNAVAL helps you with the whole process of activating you iPhone and getting 3rd party software. It’s a little bit more interactive than PACAY, so you’re going to have to read ALL the text the scrolls during execution so you follow the instructions to the letter.
WARNNING: CARNAVAL is for iPhone 1.1.1 only and you should have iTunes version 7.4 (newer version). Also, this is the first release, as the first to try you are helping the community as a tester but is also running the risk of using buggy software.
After TouchFree or Carnival has completed: Set auto-lock on your phone as “never” (on your iphone: Settings > General > Auto-Lock > Never)
Now get WinSCP and find your iPhone ip by going to (on your iphone) settings > Wi-Fi > “Your selected WiFi” > Look under IP Address– Connect to your iPhone using WinSCP (user: root password: alpine) Change File Protocol to SCP
Just press login after your screen on WinScp
Get AnySIM 1.1 ( Upload AnySIM 1.1 to the /Applications folder (Make sure both the folder and the file inside that folder named anysim are chomodded to 0755 [right click and select properties]) click on the “..” until you see root, then click on the applications folder and put anysim inside.
Make sure the directory and the FILE named “anysim” inside the directory are chmodded to 0755 [right click and select properties]!!
Download this file http://rapid$ (change the $ sign for an S in the url)- Upload it to your /usr/bin folder (on the iphone)– Set permissions to 0755
Run Installer from your springboard- Install BSD Subsystem from Installer- Restart your phone
Run anySIM 1.1 (MAKE sure your new simcard in inserted) (IF ANYSIM CRASHES, CHMOD the ANYSIM FILES AS STATED ABOVE)
Restart your phone again
Get this file: http://rapid$… (change the $ sign for an S in the url)- Upload the three files to your /usr/libexec folder on your iphone– Set permissions to 0755 to the three files– Rename the file called lockdownd on your /usr/libexec folder to lockdownd.back– Rename the file lockdownd.1.0.2 to lockdownd
Download iAsign ( may need this dlls to run iAsign http://rapid$ (change the $ sign for an S in the url)– There is a file called iphoneactivation.pem under the /iAsign/bin/ folder of the zip you just downloaded– Uploaded to your iphone, to the folder /System/Library/Lockdown
Get Putty from here…/x86/putty.exe
Connect to your iPhone using putty (user: root password: alpine)
Run this command without the quotes “killall lockdownd”
Extract the iasign folder to your C:/ Drive (That folder can be found in this file >>
Open a command line in your pc (Start menu > Run > cmd)- Navigate to the folder where you have iasign.exe (This means you need to point the command prompt to the iasign folder):– Now run this command from the command line “iasign –automatic iPhoneActivation_private.pem”- Your iphone should popup a message telling you that it is Activated- Now rename lockdownd to lockdownd.1.0.2 using WinSCP (This is in /usr/libexec)- Now rename lockdownd.swap to lockdownd using WinSCP (This is in /usr/libexec)
Run this command without the quotes “killall lockdownd” on putty
Restart your phone and it should be unlocked by now.
Now use this tutorial to get YouTube activated: YouTube 1.1.1 Fix
ONLY 300mb on your phone after you are done: you should remove the “media” file, and then rename either “media.old” or “mediabackup” to “media”
it is located at var/root
You are all set now Special thanks goes to mando for the original tutorial!
when i got to step 2 of touchfree, and the sotware kept say that “reading ipod flash”. I leave it run for like 20 minutes,but nothing else happend.
read the instructions for touchfree on their site
Nothing were changed after *#307# dial. I don’t see ‘answer’ screen, just the dial pad. But the phone is ringing…
i got an “network error: Connection refused” when i used Winscp to login. Do you know why?
i had that experienced too. But then i found out how to do that. After you dial *#307# , then you phone will ringing. Then delete the *#307# , and then type number” 3″( only number “3”). After then that you will see ” Decline and answer”. Click “answer”, then click “hold”. Then your iphone will show up ” Decline and Answer” again. THIS time hit “decline” and it will let you go to the contact screen. I tried it my iphone, and it worked.
At step 2 of touchfree, ipuc.exe couldnt locate QTMLClient.dll. What to do please.
Please look at the touchfree directions to help find your answere
i got an error on anysim. It said “anysim cannot unlock this iphone,please restart the iphone after anysim quit”. I tried many times but it happend time same. I change the chomd by right cick on the file and click property, then change the “Octal” value, is that correct? I did that many times but everytime i used anysim it alwyas showed that massage.
When I get to step 8 in the first part of the guide it just flicks back to the emergency dial screen do I need to put my vodaphone sim in or leave the AT & T sim in to begin with?
leave the att sim in to begin
Quang have you already tried unlocking your phone before following this guide? phone was unlocked. But I already did all the step to make my phone to virgin mode . Then I upgrade to 1.1.1firmware and started to unlock. However I am not so sure that my phone in the virgin mode or not because it didn’t say anything when I finish all the step to change my phone to virgin.
make sure you chmod all the files in too
Is mandatory to have an AT&T sim inside to run the process? If you buy the iphone in an apple store, does an AT&T sim insede even if you didn’t buy any at&t line?
After running this process, will we be able to install third party apps using apptap?
put command iPhoneActivation_private.pem after that the message showed” Could not retrieve the ICCID ” .I ‘ve tried many times , same result .
can i use this tutorial if my iPhone came with 1.0.2 firmware? i didn’t try to unlock it. I upgrade it to 1.1.1 firmware.
please help.
Bole yes this guide is for you as long as you have never tried to unlock your phone with 1.02 and are running 1.1.1 firmware now.
In the instructions above to jailbreak iphone 1.1.1, after having downloaded anySim v1.1, it says :
” Make sure both the folder and the file inside that folder named anysim are chomodded to 0755″ … what does that mean ???
Thanks for the guide! Although a complex process, this is the first guide I could find to unlock via windows for the 1.1.1 version. and it works a treat.
One developmental comment: you have put a link to a zip
quite near the end of the tutorial; given this zip has all the tools needed, maybe put it at the beginning, otherwise very useful and it is great folks are willing to take the time to write tutorials for others to use.
you have to set the file permissions to 0755. Use winscp on pc or cyberduck on mac
Mark that link is also at the top of the post (1st link)
When i used anysim to unlock it said that “unlock sucessfull”, then i went through all the step to activate my phone. However my iphone is still can not use tmobile. Do you know why?
After having jailbreaked my iphone with touchfree, it says : “After touchfree finishes you should restart your iphone and get to the springboard” but i don’t see the springboard… when i restard my phone I only see Activate Iphone connect to iTunes… what can I do help me !
How many people successfully unlocked their iPhones with this method?
If you successfully unlocked you iPhone with this method, please write your comment. Thx.
Swiss dude try running it again. Bole I have successfully unlocked using this method
i’ve tried now 3 time to jailbreak the iphone with touchfree…. i still get the activate with iTunes when i turn my phone on instead of the springboard …. what can I do?
i’ve also tried restoring the iphone with itunes before jailbreaking like the touchfree readme says but i can’t restore it it says : ” The iPhone “iPhone” could not be restored. An unknown error occured (-18). ” whats going on ???
swissdude did you do this:// If you are having trouble with touch free (like it gets stuck at step 2 and stuff, uninstall the old version, make sure you delete the folder in C:/programs, and use this one :
also you have a virgin 1.1.1 correct?
try putting it into restore mode before restoring: hold down the middle button and the power button to power the phone on
i’ve tried both versions of touchfree and it doesn’t work… and yes i have a virgin iphone, I only used touchfree to jailbreak it
did you navigate to and have safari crash and go back to the please activate screen?
yes… then I went to step 2 of touchfree… it did all of its work… (patching iphone, writing, blablabla) then I restored it like it is said to do, but no springboard !
nevermind thats just for jailbreaking you need to activate
1.1. Go to Emergency call and dial *3001#12345#*
1.2. On the Field Test page click versions. Firmware version should be 04.01.13_G (if not well, we are going to upgrade in Step 2, come back and check after that)
Thanks for the guide… it works great. You need to follow every step carefully. I read it couple times to make sure I understand every thing before I do it. it worked on my first try.
swissdude try restarting your phone again after you completed
Ok thanks I’ll that and I give you further news !
also before beginning using Task Manager (ctrl-alt-delete) end ITunes.exe, iTunesHelper.exe and iPodService.exe)
i have 04.01.13_G frimware version
and I have carefully read the instructions… so I don’t think a forgot some little detail like checking my firmware version but thanks for the tip… what should i do now to activate it ? (by the way I just checked the firmware version just to be sure its the good one and after having dialed *3001#12345#* … I saw for a fraction of a second the springboard and home page… and then it went to the field test as usual… is this a good sign or something ? )
there must be one step you are missing. Have you ever tried unlocking your phone on 1.02 firmware?
No I haven’t tried. So you’re saying I Should downgrade from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2 and then unlock it with touchfree and anySim v1.1 ?
No. I am just confirming that you have a virgin out of the box 1.1.1 iphone and that your baseband is not modified or corrupt. Do a restore in itunes. kill all itunes process and go through the process again. If you still get the activate screen and the end, restart your phone 1 more time.
I am unable to do a restore my iphone with iTunes, even if I put the iphone on restore mode ( pressing home and sleep/wake buttons at the same time)
I have the latest version of iTunes
you have to be able to restore… are you sure you have not modified your phone before?
do you have another computer to try and restore on?
yes im sure i havent tried to modify my phone before…. i’ll try on my other computer good advice
alright i finally got to restore it, jailbreak and activate with touchfree! I now see the springboard ! Off to the next step!
i got an “network error: Connection refused†when i used Winscp to login. what to do now ?