Well, well, well. I see you all loved “Limited Edition iPhone’s Month Of
Giveaways”! We had wonderful applications throughout our giveaways. Well, you may have thought that we were done with giveaways for a while, huh?
Ha, did you really think so? Well I guess you don’t know me or Mike very well!
Today, I am announcing a new giveaway! This one blows all of the others away! Introducing Limited Edition iPhone’s APP-0calyptic Giveaway! Why so extreme? Because this is the end of all things about our “Month of Giveaways”!
We’ve got 23 applications for you guys! Keep reading after the break!
This final bonus giveaway is just our way our finishing our wonderful month of giveaways with a bang!
So without further adieu, let me tell you everything that we have to giveaway:
5 Copies Of iLaunch (App Store)
5 Copies Of ControlPad (App Store)
5 Copies Of MobileRSS (App Store)
3 Licenses To MyWi (Cydia)
and to make its triumphant return,
5 Licenses To iRealQuickSMS! (Cydia)
Amazing! So much to giveaway and so much, and so many chances, to
Again, our standard rules apply:
•Leave a comment below. You can say something nice, you can say “I want it!”, or even “I love you (Alan/Mike)!” if you feel the need.
•You may only enter this specific giveaway once. If you enter this giveaway more than once you’ll be automatically disqualified. We have iPhone OS enabled robots, that not only kick ass, but they also check to ensure fairness. In other words, be careful when commenting or our very own iBot will be very angry.
•Contest is open to anyone worldwide!
Winner will be chosen randomly.
This time, the giveaway officially starts on Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 12:00:01am (central time) and will officialy end on Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 11:59:59pm (central time)!
So there you go ladies and gentlemen, you know how this goes down! Have at it!
Good luck!
Again, I would like to thank all of the developers who helped us make this happen with their wonderful and revolutionary applications! Thank you very much!
Also, even if you do not win, please I highly encourage you to purchase their applications so that they may continue to create more applications, possibly to giveaway to us , thanks again!
I really would like any of the apps ur giving away.
am I lucky enough to win one of these giveaway apps?? hopefully
MyWi looks awesome
I want it! i Want To Win Again! 🙂 Just Because i love The iWorld! iPhone, And What You Do iS Awesome!
Me want to win!
I really want to win 🙂
would love a copy of MyWi
I would love to win any but I already won Irealquick SMS, so anything else, lei is awsome!
MEEEE i want em all plz!
Let me win again!!!!!
Awesomeness! Love Giveaways! Keep them coming guys and keep the awesome work!
I stumbled upon this here wonderful place and I fell in love immediately.
I am eternally grateful to any of the appa, but I would prefer “ControlPad” if you would let me choose. 😉
Thanks in advance!
YAY one more round!!!
just not irealquicksms 🙂
iLaunch me into space plz
MyWI or any of he apps you are giving away would be great! Thanks
Please give me one of those!
Checking your site out. You follow me on Twitter and I like free stuff…
Please let me win!!!! I don’t kno what apps are availuble but just get me one any of emî„!!
Hey its me again!
Pick me, pick me!
I would like to win something too, please.
Help!!!! My cydia is not working for some strange reason!!!! I’m running iPhone 3gs 3.0.1. Please help! I don’t wanna restore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitchell: Email me at alan@limitededitioniphone.com I think I know what’s going on. (Did you add a source, then it wouldn’t open?) I’ve had that happen to me as well. I have a fix for you.
Hey alan… cant go wrong with trying.. right? haha :]
Hook yo boy up. cuz u know I WANT IT. ya dig