Alright guys, first of all, let me tell you guys something before I tell you my findings. Apple uses codes to reference specific iPhone and iPod touch models. as you may recall, they also use numbers such as iPhone1,1 (iPhone Classic), iPhone1,2 (iPhone 3G, iPod1,1 (iPod touch 1st generation), and iPod2,1 (iPod touch 2G).
Apple also uses code such as the following:
iPhone First Gen – 0×1290
iPod touch 1G – 0×1291
iPhone 3G – 0×1292
iPod touch 2G – 0×1293
The code above can be found in the ramdisk of firmware 2.1.1 through 2.2.1. Now the code above is very expected. 4 devices, 4 reference codes, right? Well, iPhone OS 3.0 may have just spilled the beans.
In my copy of firmware 3.0 beta, (iPod2,1_3.0_7A238j_Restore.ipsw), you can find some very different code within the ramdisk, here it is:
iPhone First Gen – 0×1290
iPod touch 1G – 0×1291
iPhone 3G – 0×1292
iPod touch 2G – 0×1293
iPhone2,1 – 0×1294
iProd0,1 – 0×1295
iPod2,2 – 0×1296
iPhone3,1 – 0×1297
iFPGA – 0×1298
iPod3,1 – 0×1299
Now, this is an amazing discovery! We have the expected suspects, iPhone2,1 (new iPhone probably going to be announced very soon), and iPod3,1 (new iPod touch probably going to be announced this fall). So what the hell is the rest of this? Well, if you notice, there are 2 new iPhone references, iPhone2,1 and iPhone3,1! What the hell?! Possibly Apple may announce 2 new iPhones for this summer.
Now, notice, there are also 2 new iPod touch models as well. IPod2,2 and iPod3,1! This may (again) point to 2 new iPod touch models for this fall. This is amazing!
So those are the typical culprits… but there is one more thing. What in the world are the other 2 model numbers?! These are not even known at all! IProd0,1 could point to a new device that is in very early beta stages. I say this due to the 0 in it’s name. So what about iFPGA? What does this point to? Could this be a new MacBook + iPhone OS device? An iPhone OS enabled MacBook Tablet? Or, could it be something completely different?
We will have to wait and see. Now, I am not sure if anyone else has found this yet, but as far as I know, you saw it here first! So now that us here at Limited Edition iPhone have revealed this, I hope we can get some answers quickly, and let’s see what Apple will bring us this year! (and we wish Steve Jobs a speedy recovery, we hope you come back Steve!)
(I am typing this article right now on 3.0, typing it in notes, then using copy and paste to post it for you guys!)
Better start saving up then.(for the new touch)
Oh yeah! I think we have some really cool things in store for us! (Plus, 3.0 is a must have update!!!) î„
Yer so it has been rela