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Windows Guide To Using WinSCP With iPhone

November 26th, 2007 · 274 Comments · Apple, Applications, FAQ, iPhone, Mods

iPhone Purple

If you need to edit or transfer files on the iPhone and you are using windows, WinSCP is the program you need. Many people have asked me how to transfer files to the iPhone so I made an easy guide to follow bellow. If you would like me to add anything or have questions please let me know.

First make sure you have ssh and bsd subsystem installed from installer. Next get WinSCP and find your iPhone’s ip by going to (on your iphone) settings > Wi-Fi > “Your selected WiFi” > Look under IP AddressConnect to your iPhone using WinSCP (user: root password: alpine) Change File Protocol to SCP


Just press login after your screen on WinScp

click on the “..” until you see root, then click on the applications folder and put your downloaded .app program inside by dragging and dropping.



To set file permissions(CHMOD) right click on the folder or file and select properties. Most of the time you will have to change the Octal to 0755. If you have any other questions please ask.

If you are having troubles with log in please read this:

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274 Comments so far ↓

  • Dan Hargrove

    I have been given a few applications to install on my iphone through winscp and my PC. A few of the applications come with other folders in the zip as well as the .app folder. Does anyone know where I have to copy such folders to on the iphone?


    Dan Hargrove

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    It depends on the app. Is there a readme or .txt file included? If so read that.

  • Dan Hargrove

    No Readme file. That is what confused me. I will continue hunting. Thanks

  • GOT IT!

    I think I finally figured it out. Most people should have OpenSSH version 4.6p1-2. But you need OpenSSH version 4.6p1-1. I got that version from

  • GOT IT!

    I also think you need to have it connected to your computer.

  • GOT IT!

    I’ve been having problems again. Try opening your mail or a website on your iphone while its trying to connect.

  • AG

    i am new to this, but i was using winSCP with success earlier today and all seemed to be working fine. i came back later in the day to use it some more, and now i get the network error: server connection timed out message. i didn’t change anything that i know of, and am typing in host, user, and password the same as earlier. what could i be doing wrong?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    double check the ip address. You may have a new one. Also make sure SSH is on.

  • AG

    So I downloaded services, and made sure SSH was on. Double checked IP address every time. Still no luck. So I switched to static IP and typed in a new address instead of using DHCP. After trying two or three different addresses, it finally worked. The next day I come back, and now I am getting a connection refused error. Pinging the ipod in dos prompt works fine, but just can’t get through all the way in WinSCP. I am so confused!

  • Érico

    In a session of WinSCP I erase all the folders and files of my iphone. Wright know I can not put my iphone in Recovery Mode for restore. Can someone help me?

  • grad

    i’ve got iphone with FW 1.1.4 jailbroken using ZiPhone. openssh ver 4.6p1-2 and bsd subsystem ver 2.1
    i’ve followed the instruction to connect through winscp and for 1000 times i’ve got the message connection timed out like many others.
    thanks for ur help

  • Sean

    do i have to reset my iphone for changes to have effect?? just like a computer after installing something??

  • Jrlandshark

    hi i was wondering if you could tell me how to use this program with the ipod touch firmware 2.0? I was able to get open ssh and i’ve tried everything else, do you think that not have the bsd subsystem could be whats stopping me

  • Jrlandshark

    also i would like to add that i am using a linksys connection that is near me and unlocked, would that work ok?

  • Abbiot

    Hi friend!

    I need help about uninstall iphone video recorder

    It’s not possible to uninstall this program or an other on my iphone. I have this error:

    Package dowload failed!

    And when I follow the process, I have NETWORK ERROR: Connection refused

    Thank you for your help


  • Erico

    In a session of WinSCP I erase all the folders (the main directory +/root and the subfolders ) of my iphone. Wright know I can not do nothing with the iphone. It´s impossible to put it in Recovery Mode, DFU Mode or Normal Mode. Can you help me?

  • Alan Vazquez

    Oh no, DFU Mode and iBoot Recovery mode are in way different paritions as the rootfs files are. Just do a force restore in DFU mode and you’ll be fine. DOn’t worry just keep a clear head.

  • Erico

    Tks Alan Vazquez

    First of all my tks for the time you spend to help me in this issue.
    I´m Sorry but I do not know how to do a “force restore in DFU mode”. Can you send to me a tutorial? Once again thank you very much Alan.


  • Erico

    Hey Alan Vazquez

    First of all, many thanks for your help.
    I have followed, very carefully, all the steps that you’ve suggested, but unfortunately the problem remains.
    The computer still does not recognize that the iphone is plugged in, nor does itunes.
    Is there any other options I can try?

    Best regards,

  • Dan

    Hi All, To all who are getting a connection timed out error, this may sound like a no brainer, but the computer you are trying to connect to your phone from MUST be on the same physical network as your phone is connected to. If not, you will not be able to connect. Also, you must be connected to your computer via the USB sync cable.

    Just learned that the hard way.

  • alon

    I have a problem with the calander. each time I choose the calander Icon, the calander sceern is opened but it is white and then it close automaticaly and return to the main. Any idea what could fix this?

  • Swiminpro

    Can you tell me how to copy your music library on to the computer using this, since Ipod Touch has no disk mode?

  • Alan Vazquez

    alon: Well to me that sounds like a permissions problem. Try setting all of the permissions on the calendar to 755. Use WinSCP, SSH, or iPhonePCSUite. (Now I am not sure if iPhonePCSuite works on 2.0, but I assume that it doesn’t due to the fact that it has to place a file inside a directory that doesn’t exist anymore) So I advise not using iPhonePCSuite if you are on 2.x until they update it.

  • Alan Vazquez

    Swiminpro: You see there are many ways of doing this. I just got an iMac a few days ago, and I just asked if I could borrow my friends iPod Classic (80GB) so I just dragged and dropped the entire iTunes folder from (PC) My Documents/Music/iTunes and put it into the iPod. Then afterwards I just dragged and dropped it into my Mac -Music/iTunes and all of that good stuff. and voila! These steps work with any external hard drive or anything like that. Or if your iTunes library is smaller than 7GB (mine is way bigger than that so I used my method) then use iTune’s “back up iTunes to a DVD” then just move iTunes music/vids with that.

  • alon

    Alan: this is also what I thought but it didn’t solve the problem. I used 777 and 755 but with no success. under the calendar, in the WinSCP, there is only one file – Calendar.sqlitedb. is it normal? any advice will be great.

  • Alan Vazquez

    alon: WTF?! Is that sqlite database in /Applications/ Or is it in like /private/var/root/mobile/library? Because you must set permissions in /Applications. And if that SQLite database is in /Applications/ then it seems that you accedentally switched the folders. What firmware are you on? Please check in /Applications/ and tell me what it in there. And if that is all that is in it then tell me to e-mail you my Calendar.ap to replace yours. I have stuff for firmware 2.0 (betas and final) and firmware 1.1.3 and firmware 1.1.4.

  • alon

    Alan, thanks for the help. the file is under var/root/mobile/library. where could I see the F/W version? I’m in
    for sure it is not F/W 2.0.

  • Alan Vazquez

    alon: well to me it sounds like pre-2.0 so I’m guessing 1.1.5 below. Well I’ll tell you 3 ways of looking at your firmware version. 1) Go to your homescreen, and tap on “Settings” then touch “General” then touch “About” and scroll down until you see “Version” then look at what version it is. 2) Connect to iTunes. When it shows you the menu that shows up to select what to sync and stuff, go to the 1st tab in iTunes and look at where it says “Version” 3) this last one is a little complicated but it works, if all else fails, go to /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersions.plist There download it from your iPhone/iPod touch and put it on your desktop, now double click it and look at all of the things that say and look for one that says 1.1.4 or 2.0 or 1.1.3 and so on, then below that string it should have a build version, if it’s 1.1.4 it should be 4A102 1.1.3=4A93 I suggest the 1st one, it’s easier. 😀

  • alon

    Alan, it is 1.1.4 (4A102)

  • Alan Vazquez

    alon: alright man, you have 3 options here:
    1) Ask me to e-mail you the necessary files
    2)Restore into Firmware 2.0 (if you are on an iPod touch, ask me where to get the firmware for free)
    3)Restore back to 1.1.4 and re-jailbreak and or unlock.

    Now seeing as this is just a calendar, I suggest the first one, but ultimately, it is up to you. Just tell me what you need, and I’ll get right on it.

  • alon

    Alan, please send the files to my email –
    Also please mantion where should I put them (var/root/mobile?)

    thank you

  • Alan Vazquez

    alon: you got it. Give me a few minutes, my computer is a little slow because I’m downloading some stuff from iTunes.

  • alon

    Alan, so far I didn’t get anything.

  • Alan Vazquez

    alon: oops, sorry, I accedentally put I’ll send it again. wait.

  • alon

    Alan, thank you
    I will check and update you.

  • Alan Vazquez

    alon:Yeah man, don’t worry about it. It’s what I’m here for. 😀 I hope ti works.

  • alon

    Ala,, thanks you very much , it solvedmy problem.

  • Alan Vazquez

    Yeah man, no problem. 😀

  • You must first connect to iTunes with an Internet connection to enable YouTube

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  • Tirupati

    I am using Iphone 3G with version 2.02 installed….. This iphone is not jailbroken or anything but has full functionality when i bought the original one right from Apple in my country.

    It does not have the installed on it.

    I tried using WinSCP with user-> root and pwd: alpine and also tried dottie I still get the error ‘ Connection Refused.’

    Kindly Help ASAP

  • Jim

    You have to have a jailbroken Iphone or Ipod. Once jailbroken, goto Cydia and install OpenSSH, BSD-subsyatem, and bosspref. Back out to home screen and tap on Bosspref, make sure everything is turned on then back out to main screen. Go to settings, general, and autolock, make sure this is set to never. back up go to Wifi, once your connection shows up, select the small blue icon to the right, this should show your I.P address. Put your I.P in the host name for Winscp, username….root and pswd….alpine, all lower case. Thats it, hope it helps.

  • josh

    hi guys,
    i got cydia, i can download openSSH but BSD – there’s nothing on BSD-subsystem. i did try search. but nothing came up except OpenNTPD. can someone help pleaseeeee?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    it’s probably already installed. You can also find it on installer 4

  • ero


    does anybody out there know how i can change some of the icones? like the phone icon or others which won’t show in the theme app?
    i have 1.1.4 JB and WINSCP works just fine.. but don’t know where and how to change the icons. thank you all for your help

  • [Installer 4] isms posso installarlo manualmente? - Pagina 2 - iPhone Italia Forum

    […] per utilizzarlo e poi è come windows explorer. Comunque se proprio non sai come fare leggi qui: Windows Guide To Using WinSCP With iPhone La cartella dove devi copiarti le app è /Applications. […]

  • bear

    3g 2.0.2 jailbroke, was messing with skins for the original file. Drug a copy from the applications folder to my desktop before i began as backup. After messing with the file in WinSCP decided I wanted to go back to stock. Deleted file from applications folder, copied original “backed up file” from desktop to applications folder. Original 3g calculator icon showed up, will open then shut immediately. have even tried another downloaded copy of the file (same software ver 2.0.2) same thing. Octal is 755.

    Tried the same procedure with another file, with same results but was able to reinstall that one through cydia.

    am i missing something installing apps this way?

  • bear

    Tried 775 also… same result

  • Alan Vazquez

    Well, it might be missing the code signature. I would recommend restoring, or making sure all the permissions of the calculator app are set (including the folder) if 755 doesn’t work try 775

  • Alan Vazquez

    Alright then, reboot. Just do it, sometimes that works. (Like in my case)

  • bear

    if it helps anyone else, it seems checking “set group,owner and permissions recursively” did it

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