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Windows Guide To Using WinSCP With iPhone

November 26th, 2007 · 274 Comments · Apple, Applications, FAQ, iPhone, Mods

iPhone Purple

If you need to edit or transfer files on the iPhone and you are using windows, WinSCP is the program you need. Many people have asked me how to transfer files to the iPhone so I made an easy guide to follow bellow. If you would like me to add anything or have questions please let me know.

First make sure you have ssh and bsd subsystem installed from installer. Next get WinSCP and find your iPhone’s ip by going to (on your iphone) settings > Wi-Fi > “Your selected WiFi” > Look under IP AddressConnect to your iPhone using WinSCP (user: root password: alpine) Change File Protocol to SCP


Just press login after your screen on WinScp

click on the “..” until you see root, then click on the applications folder and put your downloaded .app program inside by dragging and dropping.



To set file permissions(CHMOD) right click on the folder or file and select properties. Most of the time you will have to change the Octal to 0755. If you have any other questions please ask.

If you are having troubles with log in please read this:

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274 Comments so far ↓

  • Ahmed O

    when i try to log in it comes with an error saying:
    “Network error: Connection timed out”
    plz help

  • Magnus Josefsson

    Do i have to buy a router to connect to Wi-fi or can i use my computers wlan?

    Best Regards, Magnus

  • Auto Reflective Dock For iPhone (Like iPod Touch)

    […] follow the WinSCP guide so you can download the file from your iPhone Next you need to convert the file to be able to […]

  • echo416

    Any instructions for Mac users? I managed to get the file from my iPhone using AFP, but could not convert it using the link you provided. When I tried to convert it, I just got another file.

    I wold like to use this so I can get rid of Summerboard as I only use it for the “Touch” Theme.


  • echo416


    Is your iPhone’s Auto-Lock set to “Never”? It could be that your iPhone goes into sleep mode when you are trying to connect.

  • echo416

    Ooops, please ignore 2 posts up. It was meant for the Auto Reflective Dock thread.

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    echo mac user can just use a plist editor. there is no need to convert the file.

  • Windows Guide To Using WinSCP With iPhone |

    […] If you need to edit or transfer files on the iPhone and you are using windows, WinSCP is the program you need. Many people have asked me how to transfer files to the iPhone so I made an easy guide to follow bellow. If you would like me to add anything or have questions please let me know. (more…) […]

  • Auto Reflective Dock For iPhone (Like iPod Touch) |

    […] follow the WinSCP guide so you can download the file from your iPhone Next you need to convert the file to be able to edit […]

  • Auto Reflective Dock For iPhone (Like iPod Touch) | iPhone - Blog

    […] follow the WinSCP guide so you can download the file from your iPhone Next you need to convert the file to be able to edit […]

  • symon serenio

    hi new here is there any alternate programs other than winscp cuz when i try to connect it says its not exist….. help pls…. thnks

  • Ruiyan

    Hi ,

    I downloaded some games recently and accidentally hid the installer. I am trying to use the winSCP to delete some games in order to retreive it but get the network error, connection timeout message. Please advise how I should go on from here and if there is an alternative.

    I have not installed the BSD subsystem or summerboard. Thanks.

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    you need bsd subsystem installed

  • ben

    i follow the instructions and am told

    ‘network error: connection refused’

    any help?

  • Ruiyan

    Is there an alternative to ssh with winscp ? Can I use ibrickr with winscp instead and how ? I did not have the bsd subsystem before I lost the installer. Please help. thanks

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    the first time you use it you will get a connection error. Just let it continue and it will eventually connect.

  • Susan DeAngelillis

    For an abject newbie, there are three (3) items lacking in this otherwise wonderful tutorial.

    I. Where do we get the SSH subsystem?
    II. Where do we get the BSD subsystem?
    III. Is everyone’s password “alpine”? If not, how do we find our password?
    IV. Does this work for an ipod touch?

    OK, so that was four questions that were not answered in the tutorial. Given I don’t know the answer to those four (4) questions, can you help me flesh out my tutorial below based on your tutorial above?


    0. I read the tutorial for WinSCP on the ipod touch on a Windows XP PC at:

    Note: I was unsure what this meant, so I skipped that step (does it matter?)
    “make sure you have ssh and bsd subsystem installed from installer”.

    1. I downloaded and install WinSCP freeware onto my Windows XP PC:

    2. On the ipod touch, I found my IP address to be
    ipod touch: Settings > Wi-Fi > MY_NETWORK_NAME > MY_IP_Address

    3. I started WinSCP & filled out the “WinSCP Login” form as follows:
    C:\My Programs\Ipod\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe
    Host name =
    Port number = 22
    User name = root
    Password = alpine
    Private key file =
    File protocol = SCP

    4. Then I pressed the “Login” button in WinSCP.
    I get the root@ error:
    “Network error: Connection timed out.”
    Where I can either press “OK” or “Reconnect” no matter what I do.

    What did I do wrong?

  • Susan DeAngelillis

    a. The original tutorial implies we need something called SSH subsystem.
    How do we install SSH subsystem on a Windows XP PC?
    b. The original tutorial implies we need something called BSD subsystem.
    How do we install BSD subsystem on a Windows XP PC?
    c. The original tutorial uses a password of “alpine”.
    How do we figure out what our ipod touch password is?
    d. The original tutorial is for an iPhone.
    Does this tutorial work for an ipod touch?

  • Steven

    I also get the ‘Network error: Connection refused’. I also tested the connectivity by telnet and it also failed so seems to me like the iphone is not accepting port 22 for some reason?

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    make sure you have ssh installed. You may get an error the first time. Just let it connect and once it asks to accept the keys hit ok.

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    if you have 1.02 or below your password is dottie

  • Steven

    I have firmware v1.1.1. I also have BSD Subsystem v1.5 installed and OpenSSH v4.6p 1-1 installed but I still get this error?

  • Steven

    Hmm, I bought the phone already unlocked for me. Maybe they changed the original password? If so, is there a way to ‘crack’ it or get in somehow?

  • Confused

    Is anyone listening to all these questions? There seem to be no answers to all of the valid questions. I have tried to connect to my iphone (v 1.1.2 sw) using the Winscp 4.06 and have the bsd and ssh previously installed. I get the errors “connection refused”. CAN SOMEONE SHED SOME LIGHT ON THIS? (yes I shouted…sorry, but this seems to be an issues that lots of folks would like to understand.

  • Not So Confused Anymore

    OK, here is the short and sweet answer to the questions above: You have to “jail break” your iPhone first using iBrickr for WinXP or AppTapp for MacOS. Fun stuff. After you do this and get the “” on your iPhone you are set to then install the BSD and SSH subsystems on the iPhone so that you can use WinSCP to wirelessly transfer files to/from your iPhone. Sounds easy, huh? Not for the newbie to do, but if you are adventerous with your $400+ toy, you can get the info and tools to do this at:
    Good luck newbies! Just beware, any of this will void your warranty, possibly brick your new toy, as well as frustrate the crap out of you. If you are an expert at linux/unix stuff and feel comfortable with SSH/BSD/etc then go for it! I havent tried this with my new iPhone S/W ver 1.1.2, but it does work with versions below 1.1.1 so there is a possibility that the Apple crapheads changed the root username to something other than “alpine”. It was “dottie” for older iPhone s/w versions…. Anyone know of a new password?… Oh, I forgot, no one wants to post any answers here to this forum… my bad….

  • Not so Confused Anymore

    Ok…. You need to run iBrickr or AppTapp (Mac) to “jailbreak” your iPhone and get the installed first. After this, run the installer to install the SSH and BSD subsystems on the iPhone. Now you can use the WinSCP app on windows to transfer files to/from the iPhone wirelessly. the only unknown is that for S/W versions above 1.1.1 is the root password still “alpine”

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    I beleive the password is based on what version of ssh you have installed. The only 2 passwords are dottie or alpine, unless you changed your password. The first time you connect you have to accept the keys.

  • Joe Rob

    Im getting the same error, connection refused…any way around this?

  • Steven

    I am assuming that you have turned on SSH within ‘Services’, have you?

  • al

    I did everything and it works .how can iv view my file? Where is it ? lets say its a pdf file or word can i find it in iphone?

  • Joe Rob

    Ok, I don’t have installer on my phone but it’s jailbroken, so I can’t go to to get it. How do I go about getting installer on my iPhone?

  • ben

    Im just getting access denied, then connection refused?

    any ideas?


  • Steve

    this is a very helpful tutorial, but what is supposed to happen after the files are dragged over…im not sure about the permission settings but if they are in fact correct then should i be able to see the app i moved? if so when?

  • Steven

    Goto Installer, remove SSH and reinstall SSH. This did the trick for me 🙂

  • al

    what if files are in iphone and permission is set .. then where are they ? Why Cant I see them?

  • Victoria

    Whenever I try to transfer a music file for ringtone the connection is unstable and keep disconnecting, and sometimes just crashes – any ideas? I am able to transfer smaller size files.

    I’ve tried restarting both computer and iphone..

  • Steven

    Are you creating ring tones by transferring and renaming them? If so thats the difficult way of doing it! Just install SendSong from installer and you’re all set! 🙂

  • Michelle

    Does anyone know how to get spanish on the Iphone through winscp or anyother way

  • FanatiPhone

    Hi! I use WinSCP when I’m home and I think it’s great!
    But when I’m at work I use different pc’s and I cannot install WinSCP (only admin can) . So therefore I use
    It’s a online version of WinSCP. It does the same. Really a handy tool!

  • Mario Tomic

    There is winscp406.exe on WinSCP site which is sort of portable WinSCP…it does not require installation either 🙂

  • mike

    what theme is being used in the top picture? it’s beautiful.

  • lawrence

    i’m just wondering how can i use winscp to connect my notebook to the ionternet via iphone edge/gprs?

  • lawrence

    i’m just wondering how can i use winscp to connect my notebook to the internet via iphone edge/gprs?

  • jonny

    hey guys….i might be wrong but what i came up with my iphone is the username and password
    username – > password

    root -> dottie
    mobile -> alpine

    try this it might work, because it works this way in my iphone

  • Griff

    I tried to login in and I got a warning pop up

    The server’s host key does not match the one WinSCP has is cache. This means that either the server administrator has changed the host key, or you have actually connected to another computer pretending to the server.

    Then it gives me an option to click Yes, No and Cancel.

    I tried both, then it said Access denied and ask me for the session password.

    I tried both alpine and dottie and they don’t work.

    Can somebody help me with this? Thanks!

  • ali

    waonderfulll siteeeeeeeeee

  • jeffrey

    how do i back whats on my iphone onto my computer (and not the other way around). what i am trying to do is get my sim card contacts and application and everything onto my computer so i can sync and have everything backed up

  • Limited Edition iPhone

    you can transfer programs and stuff straight to your computer. As for contacts, iTunes syncs all that information for you. You could also set itunes up to sync with an online address book.

  • JC

    I filled everything out correctly.
    (user: root password: alpine) Change File Protocol to SCP.

    I save it. then click “login”. then a little window pops up and ask for session password.

    Isn’t the password ” alpine ” ?

    please help.


  • Manhar


    Do i need to connect my iphone to the computer or its connect through wi fi ?

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